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Raising your nervous system capacity to help you better enjoy life and work.

Charlie Ruce Coaching works with Chief Executives to build their capacity both professionally and personally. We help you professionally address areas like raising your productivity and working with more flow and ease. We also help you personally to work on areas such as healing past trauma and increasing relational intimacy with those closest to you. As your capacity grows both personally and professionally, you will have an increase in life satisfaction as a whole and the energy to continually accomplish your professional and personal goals. Charlie Ruce Coaching uses an advanced model of therapy and coaching called Organic Intelligence (OI). OI was founded by Steve Hoskinson and uses our physiology’s natural self-organizing capacity to restore a sense of well being and grow our capacity to handle complexity. Find out more information at

Handle more complex situations with greater mastery.

Our nervous systems function as complex systems. This means that they should learn and adapt to the environment effortlessly, slowly increasing our capacity to handle more and more complexity overtime with greater and greater mastery. When learning becomes a process of gradually gaining mastery over the current amount of complexity in our life and business, learning is enjoyable and interesting. However, when the complexity in our life and business overwhelms our level of mastery, life and business become difficult and overwhelming. By raising the level of capacity in our nervous systems, we are able to gain mastery over our life and business and execute at higher and higher levels over time. 
